Sunday, May 25, 2008

Is it a Fly-in or Air show?

Friday Josh took us to the Watsonville Fly-in. We got to see a small airshow with planes flying stunts and sky divers dropping in. We also got to take a tour of a big Air Force plane and the Peanut got to sit in the Pilot's seat.
On Saturday we ended up at Home Depot after breakfast and ended up talking to the store manager. They will hopefully get the quarter-round replaced that doesn't match the new floors.
Today the Monkey's parents called to say they are coming over with a pre-cooked pot roast. Yummy!

The Peanut is sick with a cold or really bad allergies to the smoke from the fires in the Santa Cruz hills. So far the fire has burned just under 4000 acres and 20 homes have been lost. It is sad that people have lost their homes but to see the fire is amazing! Nature, as it is happening, not from the Nature channel.

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